Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Native Speakers - 3-4

Los estudiantes estan trabajando con el proyecto "Como somos y como eramos".  Ellos tienen que escribir un ensayo que cuenta de cinco cosas.  Tienen que hacer una comparacion de sus vidas y las vidas de un adulto familiar.
1.  Como son y que hacen ahora
2.  Como eran y que hacian cuando eran jovenes
3.  Como es/son un adulto que conocen
4.  Como eran y que hacian ellos
5.  Un cuento o algo interesante que paso una vez

La version primera deben entregar este jueves el 13 de octubre
La version final deben entregar el jueves que viene, el 20 de octubre

Spanish 5-6

Students are working on a writing or presentation project which asks them to discuss their personal qualities and activities as students now.  They will then talk about their lives as children.  The project asks them to describe the lives of an adult they know now, as well as when they were younger.  They are to compare themselves with their chosen adult.  Finally, students will tell a story about themselves or their adult which again shows differences between the two generations.

A draft written draft will be turned in on thursday october 13.
After editing and reviewing their drafts with their classmates students will turn in the final draft on thursday october 20.

Monday, September 26, 2016

24 September 2016

This coming week we will be discussing the difference between our lives as small children and as young adults.  We will be using the imperfect tense in order to discuss things that we used to do as children and the present tense to talk about stuff we do now.  We will also be using phrases that tell how often we do or did certain things.  We will be creating a list of the 100 most useful verbs that are used to discuss everyday activities.
The next project is called "Cuando Era Joven" and will be assigned on thursday of this week.

Friday, September 2, 2016

This year Sr. Johnson will be teaching Spanish 5-6 and Heritage Speakers 3-4 Spanish.
We are looking forward to a great year in which we will be doing much reading and writing while studying the Spanish language and Spanish speaking cultures.

We have been meeting each other in our Spanish classes the first week.
We have also been working on our first project of the year, The Libro Abecedario.
Students are creating a themed alphabet book which they will be presenting to the class next week on Thursday and Friday the 8th and 9th of September.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Feliz Ano Nuevo

We are working all this week with Duolingo, the online language program, on the classroom laptops.
Over the weekend students should be using Duolingo at home in order to practice and reach the goals we have established for each class.
By Monday the 11th:
Spanish 1-2 students need to reach present tense 2
Spanish 3-4 students need to reach past tense
Spanish 5-6 students need to reach ir future

Friday, December 18, 2015

Felices Dias de Vacaciones,

We spent the last two weeks studying food vocabulary and finished with a unit on Las Posadas in Mexico.

Spanish 1-2 has been using the present tense in order to discuss what we eat and drink.   When we return we will be using the present tense in order to discuss what we do at school on a regular basis in various different classes.

Spanish 3-4 has been using usted commands talking about food and food preparation.  When we return we will be using these commands to tell people what to do in order to do well in the kitchen and at school.

Spanish 5-6 has been using the subjunctive tense in order to express hopes, desires and opinions about what people eat.  When we return we will be using the subjunctive in order to offer suggestions about diet and health.

Happy Holidays!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

8 diciembre

Students are being encouraged to bring in canned foods and non perishable items for our food drive.
The JROTC students are manning the drive in the hopes of breaking the past record for total pounds.

All of our classes will be using food vocabulary as a means of studying different grammar parts.

Spanish 1-2 is studying food vocabulary using the verbs querer and tener as well as other regular verbs in the present tense.

Spanish 3-4 is studying usted commands in order to talk about making food

Spanish 5-6 will be studying the use of the subjunctive tense in order to talk about the importance of preparing food

Monday, November 9, 2015

9 de noviembre

We will begin presenting our Bolsa Cafe projects this friday the 13th.
Students were given the rubric last week.
They should be gathering meaningful objects that they can put in their bags.
These objects will be prompts for them to move forward with their presentation.
They will not be able to use any notes.  They will be talking about themselves, what they are like and what they like to do.  Connections should be made between descriptive words and likes and dislikes.
Students will repeat with regard to someone or something else.