Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Spanish 1-2

Students are working on their Guia Turistica which will be showing where to stay, eat, visit, what to wear and other atracciones turisticas in their Spanish cities.  The project will be due on 8 May and presentations will continue into the next week.  Students were given the rubric last week, were shown a few examples and are continuing to plug new ideas into their projects.  It is extra important that students do not use a translator when writing the text.  They are currently reading and writing at about a fourth grade level and their work should reflect this.

Spanish 5-6

Students are continuing to work on creating a non-profit organization that works to solve or alleviate a social issue.  Students are tackling animal cruelty, cancer, environment and other issues.  They will be creating a poster or other media device in order to advertise their cause, state their mission and show what they are doing in order to create change.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Spanish 1-2

We have been studying clothing, weather, seasons and the various verbs that change from E to IE.  We will be taking an exam el 22 de abril on Unidad 4 Leccion 1.  It will also test our ability to use direct object pronouns instead of the objects themselves.  We are way busy to say los pantalones cortos azules and would prefer to instead say los or them.
We will continue working on the Guia Turistico which will be due el ocho de mayo.  Students should be spending time at home finding information on their respective cities in Spain in order to provide useful information about dining, accommodations, weather and clothing, as well as transportation throughout the city.  Students should keep in mind that their guide should have a theme which is evident throughout.  Possibilities are numerous and might include sports, arts, theatre, film, cuisine, culture or other topic specific to their city.

Spanish 5-6

We are developing service organizations that address a societal or environmental need.  Students will be designing a logo along with activities in which their organization participates.  They will be creating activities for their organization in order to enact change or provide support for their cause. The nosotros commands will be used to encourage others to participate as well as the conditional tense which will say what would happen as a result of their actions as a group.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

7 de abril 2015

Spanish 1-2

We are currently using direct object pronouns and E-IE stem changing verbs while discussing clothing, seasons and weather.  Students will have a quiz on the object pronouns on 9 abril.  There will also be a quiz on the E-IE verbs on the 10th.

I have created the rubric for a project the students will be working on over the next month.  We will be creating small chunks in class and at home so that students can use them for their final project. The final project will be presented the week of May 11-15.  The rubric is below.

                                     La Guia Turistica de Espana
Your task is to create a themed tourist guide for a Spanish city.  The guide will use vocabulary from Unidad 4 in Avancemos which has to do with clothes, seasons, weather, shopping, food and restaurants.  This unit also discusses events and places in a town as well as transportation and getting around a city.  This project will also use vocabulary and grammar gained throughout the year to provide information for a tourist who will be visiting the city.  Students will  show their ability to use verbs such as querer, empezar and cerrar which are stem changing E-IE verbs.  They will also use verbs such as dormir, almorzar and volver which are O-UE stem changing verbs and servir or other E-I stem changing verbs.  The vocabulary and grammar lists are available at the end of Unidad 4 Leccion 1 and Unidad 4 Leccion 2 in the textbook.
Students may use presentation programs in order to present their information or they may use paper based hard copies.  Students will be creating small portions of the project at home and in class which they will put together for the final project.

The following rubric will be used to evaluate the project.
The project discusses shopping, clothing, seasons and weather
1             2             3             4             5             6             7             8             9             10
The project discusses events and places in a town as well as transportation
1             2             3             4             5             6             7             8             9             10
The project discusses food and ordering in a restaurant
1             2             3             4             5             6             7             8             9             10
The project uses E-IE stem changing verbs
1             2             3             4             5             6             7             8             9             10
The project uses O-UE and E-I stem changing verbs
1             2             3             4             5             6             7             8             9             10
The project has a creative theme
1             2             3             4             5             6             7             8             9             10
The project shows new knowledge gained through research regarding the city they have chosen
2             4             6             8             10           12           14           16           18           20
The project is well constructed, visually appealing and organized according to different topics
2             4             6             8             10           12           14           16           18           20               _________ date due

Nombre __________________________________ clase ____________                     _________/100

Spanish 5-6

We are beginning the study of social problems and potential solutions while using the future and conditional verb tenses. We have begun studying a bit of the modern history of Guatemala and students have been asked to gather information about Rigoberta Menchu in order to discuss the nature of large scale social and political problems and solutions.  Students will be creating a project which discusses a current social issue and offers steps toward a potential solution to said problem.