Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Native Speakers - 3-4

Los estudiantes estan trabajando con el proyecto "Como somos y como eramos".  Ellos tienen que escribir un ensayo que cuenta de cinco cosas.  Tienen que hacer una comparacion de sus vidas y las vidas de un adulto familiar.
1.  Como son y que hacen ahora
2.  Como eran y que hacian cuando eran jovenes
3.  Como es/son un adulto que conocen
4.  Como eran y que hacian ellos
5.  Un cuento o algo interesante que paso una vez

La version primera deben entregar este jueves el 13 de octubre
La version final deben entregar el jueves que viene, el 20 de octubre

Spanish 5-6

Students are working on a writing or presentation project which asks them to discuss their personal qualities and activities as students now.  They will then talk about their lives as children.  The project asks them to describe the lives of an adult they know now, as well as when they were younger.  They are to compare themselves with their chosen adult.  Finally, students will tell a story about themselves or their adult which again shows differences between the two generations.

A draft written draft will be turned in on thursday october 13.
After editing and reviewing their drafts with their classmates students will turn in the final draft on thursday october 20.