Wednesday, April 17, 2013

17 abril 2013

Spanish 2

Students should be working on their brochure project for Tuesday April 23.  Students should use the vocabulario sheet for Unidad 4 Leccion 1 when creating their project.  This Leccion uses the following vocabulary.
Lugares - places in the city
La ropa -clothing
Palabras de Ir de Compras - shopping words
Estaciones - Seasons
Tener Expreciones - tener expressions

Students should also use new knowledge of the city or town they have chosen in order to create an appealing, tri-fold, six section,  brochure.  The project will be worth 30 points and will be graded using the following rubric.

The project uses names, places, facts and visuals about a Spanish city                 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9   10

The project uses vocabulary from Unidad 4 Leccion 1                                        1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9   10

The project is visually appealing, is creative and is entirely in Spanish                   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9   10

Spanish 6 

Students are reading short stories in class and are practicing the use of the future and conditional tenses.

As a class we will be reading a number of stories and writing a script for one of the stories in order to practice creating their own original script for a story of their own choice.  This process will continue throughout the next week and will be performed in class after CST testing.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spanish 2

We are beginning this week Etapa 4 which follows our jersey to Spain.
In Etapa 4 Leccion 1 students will be learning about places in the city and clothing.
We will be reveweiwing colors, seasons and weather expressions.
The grammar points are the stem changing verbs and expressions using tener.
Students are given the vocab/grammar list 11 de abril.

Students should begin work on their new project which will be a travel brochure and guide for a city of their choice in Spain.  They should be using the internet to find a city in Spain which they will describe using places, weather and seasons, as well as clothing and the tener expressions.  Find two or three different cities, research them in order to find what there is to do there and pick the most favorite to use for the project.  They should also be finding a number of famous Spaniards who they will quote in their travel brochure.
                                                 The project will be due on April 23. 

Spanish 6

Students have begun reading Cuentos Simpaticos a book using simple stories that are effective for teaching grammar points as well as vocabulary.  Students will be reading a number of stories over the next week and will be picking one of the stories in order to write their own original script and perform the skit for the class. This new project will be using the future and conditional tenses as the grammar focus.

                                              The skit will be performed on April 23