Monday, February 9, 2015

9 de febrero 2015

Spanish 2
This week we continue with our study of lunch and breakfast foods and the use of ER and IR present tense verbs.  We will be completing the REPASO en Avancemos on tuesday in preparation for the examen for Unidad 3 Leccion 1 el jueves.
Students have been making nice progress with our use of Duolingo and are beginning to master the use of the present tense in order to discuss school and free time activities.

Spanish 6
This week we will continue our study of the history and culture of the Dominican Republic.  This leads into our study of Juan Luis Guerra, his music and the song Ojala que Llueva Cafe.    Students will be picking apart the song, which uses the subjunctive mood, and will be creating their own version of the song along with a presentation that shows what they hope happens in their world. Students will be given a copy of the rubric for the project on tuesday in class.