Thursday, January 29, 2015

Spanish 1-2

We have begun Unidad 3 en Avancemos as the Salgado jersey continues its' tour around the Spanish -speaking world.  The shirt is now in Puerto Rico, a country I have not been to but would enjoy visiting.
This unit deals with food and verbs related to la comida.  The leccion also begins with conjugating ER and IR verbs and also how to use GUSTAR when talking about multiple things.
All students begin the semester with a perfect 0 score.  It is a great time to begin or keep maintaining that "A" grade.  Students took a quiz today on the food vocabulary and most students called it FACIL.
Students should be using in order to practice at home the grammar skills we are covering.  A regular ten  minutes at home can go a long way.

Spanish 5-6

We have begun studying the Subjunctive Mood and its various uses.  Students have learned that the subjunctive is used to express doubt, opinion, hope, and a number of other emotions with respect to an action that happens in the present tense.  We will be studying the Dominican Republic next week and listening to a song by Juan Luis Guerra entitled "Ojala Que Llueva Cafe".  For their next project students will be creating their own version of the song in order to express their own needs, hopes and desires.

Monday, January 12, 2015

12 de enero 2015

Students will be taking final exams for their first semester classes the week to come on January 21, 22 and 23.  Spanish 1 will be taking their exam wednesday for period 1 & 2, thursday for period 3 and friday for period 6.  Spanish 5 will be taking their exam on friday, january 22.
The tests will be 100 multiple choice questions.  Students should use studyspanish in order to review. This site lets them review rules and create their own practice quizzes.

Spanish 1-2 has vocabulary sheets from each of the first five lecciones of Avancemos.
Leccion preliminar
Unidad 1  Leccion 1 and Leccion 2
Unidad 2 Leccion 1 and Leccion 2

Spanish 5-6 will need to review the following verb tenses and vocabulary

SER and ESTAR uses and the present tense
regular AR, ER and IR verbs in the present tense
Stem changing verbs    comenzar e-ie
irregular and GO verbs in the present tense
Preterite tense verbs
CAR, GAR, ZAR verbs in the preterite tense
Irregular verbs in the preterite
Imperfect tense
conditional tense
future tense